When To Consider Dental Veneers

dental veneers Alexandria, VA

Dentists often recommend dental veneers to repair teeth damage or minor cosmetic concerns. They are often referred to as “Hollywood teeth” due to their popularity among Hollywood celebrities, although they are more common and affordable than the name might suggest. It is helpful to understand who might benefit from dental veneers to determine if you should visit a dentist for treatment. 

Concerns that dental veneers can address

One of the most attractive aspects of dental veneers is that they are completely customizable. Dental veneers are created in a laboratory using the impression of the patient’s teeth, and they fit perfectly as a result.  Therefore dental veneers can be used to fix a variety of cosmetic and oral health concerns, including damaged teeth, staining, misshapen teeth, and misalignments. 

Damaged teeth

A veneer works by covering the visible surface of the tooth. This improves its appearance, but it also protects the tooth from further harm. This protection is why dental veneers are used to fix teeth damage, such as chips and cracks, particularly to the more visible teeth towards the front of the mouth. Dental veneers can restore and improve the size of the tooth and protect it from other concerns such as tooth sensitivity. 

Stained teeth

Minor stains can often be removed through professional in-office teeth whitening by a general or cosmetic dentist. However, more severe stains often do not improve to the desired shade of the patient. When teeth whitening is not enough, dentists may recommend dental veneers as a way to deal with moderate to severe stains. As discussed, each veneer is tailored specifically for the patient, and dentists can ensure the ideal shade is achieved through veneers treatment. 

Misaligned teeth

Most think about braces or clear aligners as the method of dealing with misalignment of teeth. However, some mild misalignments can be addressed with dental veneers. Dental veneers cover existing teeth, so they can be crafted to fit well with surrounding teeth. Most severe alignment concerns will require a more advanced orthodontic treatment, but for minor misalignments, veneers are a great way to achieve teeth that appear straight much quicker. 

Misshapen teeth

Teeth that are too short can often be fixed through dental veneers treatment. This is because dental veneers can be tailored to meet the exact size that it needs and create teeth that are even with one another. Veneers can also improve teeth that may be long enough but are oddly shaped. There are several reasons why teeth may not have the ideal shape or be too short. In many instances, it naturally occurs. In other instances, the teeth may become misshapen after a blow to the mouth or as a result of teeth grinding. 

Talk to a dentist about dental veneers

If you are interested in learning more about dental veneers to decide if you should go through treatment, then reach out to our dental team today for more information and to arrange a time to come into our office for a consultation visit.

Request an appointment here: https://alexoldtowndental.com or call Alexandria Old Town Dental at (703) 763-1078 for an appointment in our Alexandria office.

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Read our Yelp reviews.

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