Who Should See a Sleep Dentist?

sleep dentist Alexandria, VA

If your nights are long, a sleep dentist could become your best friend. You may not even be aware of what such a professional does or that dentists could help you sleep better. In addition to visiting your dentist to clean your teeth and gums or to repair cavities and broken teeth, yours could be the key to getting more shut-eye. Of course, a dentist who specializes in this area may not be right for everyone. As you evaluate your own challenges and needs, you can determine whether this could benefit you.

What a sleep dentist does

Dentists may be most commonly helpful for people needing a simple checkup of basic oral health needs. Or, people may think of these professionals to correct major teeth and gum conditions. A sleep dentist still focuses on the mouth but can determine how oral problems are affecting a person’s ability to rest well at night. This dentist will evaluate the patient’s condition and may recommend a mouthguard or similar appliance to correct sleep apnea or snoring issues. The dentist may also work alongside other medical or dental professionals to get a person’s breathing conditions under control.

People with snoring issues

Virtually everyone snores from time to time. Common causes of random snoring include stuffy noses from colds or other illnesses as well as having a narrow airway. However, chronic snoring can be much worse than simple infrequent annoyances. People who snore do not get enough airflow in the mouth or nose, and they often sleep poorly or cause partners to lose sleep too. This can lead to additional health concerns and conditions. People who snore every night should visit a dentist who specializes in treating sleep disorders.

People with sleep apnea

Next to insomnia, sleep apnea is the biggest sleeping disorder. It occurs when people stop breathing during sleep. This can happen either for a few seconds or even up to a few minutes at a time. This significant issue can be controlled with the help of a sleep dentist. This professional may prescribe a mouthguard or another appliance.

A sleep dentist may help when other options have not

Patients who have struggled sleeping well for years should do something about the problem. Some people may have tried their regular physician or another doctor. If these avenues have not yielded the desired results, a dentist could provide relief. A dentist specializing in sleep disorders will carefully evaluate the patient and will prescribe treatment based on the person’s needs and the severity of the issues.

Do not lose more sleep

A good night’s rest is critical to your overall health and well-being. Lack of sleep can contribute to a variety of health problems in the near future and down the road. If you have trouble breathing at night, oral challenges could be the culprits. Contact your dentist today. Discuss what is going on and how this professional can provide the assistance you need to finally rest soundly again.

Request an appointment here: https://alexoldtowndental.com or call Alexandria Old Town Dental at (703) 763-1078 for an appointment in our Alexandria office.

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